Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting better

I am getting better. I am learning about God. I am hearing things that are pointing closer to God. I was in the hospital again 2 weeks ago. I went in on Monday and got out on Friday. Thank God for Dr K. I am going next Monday for another scope to see what is going on in this belly of mine. I was getting very sick and couldn't eat at all. I am eating now and keeping it all down for the most part. I feel like things are better.

We have become members at Living Word Ministries. I am so excited. I feel like I am home. I am so blessed. We are learning a lot. We have been doing a study on Revelation at the Pastor's home. Tonight, we start with Daniel. That makes me think of the joke about my shack, your shack and a billy goat. I sure hope God has a sense of humor. I can't imagine him not.

Bob is still taking care of me. He is still cute and I love him bunches. Paul messed with us all last week. He left to find out about a job and come home with NO hair. I mean NO hair. He had his head shaved, his beard cut off and the moustache too. WOW!!! That is only the 2nd time I have ever seen him without a hairy face. He even stopped church service when he got noticed. I was cracked up. Who says life isn't fun. Matt and Pat are doing good. They are chugging along in school. I am proud of my boys. They have been through a lot in the last year.

Guess I better get ready. We will be leaving soon. Thanks for reading. Leave me a comment if you stop by.

1 comment:

ebergs said...

Thanks for the update, praying for you! I miss Living Word, tell everyone 'hi' for us!
