Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Things on my mind...

So, I get a call this morning. People never cease to amaze me even when I know what their tendancies are. My first inkling is to just get downright aggravated! I mean, HELLO!!!! Now, I am thinking that this is a person that when confronted, is in denial and has no intention of hearing anyone or changing at all. I need to just pray for this person and let God be God!

It also leads me to think about where I am hindering God. OUCH!!!! Yep, I said it. As much as I want to be like Jesus and do what is right, I know that I am standing in the way in certain areas.

I was talking to my son the other day about planks and trees in each others eyes. I sometimes feel like I have the whole tree in there somewhere but I am too self justified or ignorant to see it. I have tried to surround myself with people that truly care about my soul as well as my humanity. I hope that I can depend on those people to talk to me when I am exhibiting those "BIG" tree kinda faults. It so hurts me to see others struggling. I know that God cares and is right there. I don't have favor with certain people and I can't be the Holy Spirit. I just need to pray, let go and let God.

On a brighter note. It is totally amazing here in KY today. We have a crazy busy week and something to do everyday. I thank God for bringing me back to life! I love being with my boys. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I thank God for keeping Paul safe as he drove @600 miles last night. He is doing a great job of providing for our family. I am proud of him.

Well, school is in session, the teacher better get to doing something too. hehehe

Friday, August 26, 2011

I am doing a good work

Some days just get mundane! I feel so useless sometimes like nothing I do matters. These feelings don't usually last very long here but I do have them.

SO, my question today is, "What is a good work?"

If I became President of the US or the "ONE" that finds the cure for cancer, did I do a good work. Why do our human eyes see things in such an odd perspective. Do I have to win a Nobel Peace Prize or "make it" on tv to have done a great work? I think not.

I, Christy Sharp, stay at home wife, homemaker, mom, homeschool teacher, comode cleaner, dish washer, clothes washer, floor sweeper, Bob petter, food cooker, bill payer, errand runner, computer player and God lover am doing a good work.

I dare say, that everyone that reads this is doing a good work too. Everyone is important. God just reminded me of that today. I wasn't struggling with it or anything. He just said, "Hey, Christy, my daughter, I love you and you are doing a good work." Thank you DADDY GOD! I sometimes forget that I do everything for the Lord.

One other part of this that God spoke to me years ago is about doing "good." In today's society, we tend to use bigger adjectives ~ awesome, wonderful, great, terrific ~ those are a few. When God made the earth and all that was in it, at the end of each day, he said it was good. So, my mind thinks that good is good enough. If the creator of the universe can make something out of nothing and it be good, then good is good enough for me. My good work may be different than someone elses good work. We all have to work good together to make life happen.

Also, my good work matters. It will make a difference and be completed. I may not be the one that does something that the world will see on tv. I may do my good work right here in my little piece of the world. It still matters and is still important! Daddy God chose me to do this work. Do I have proof? YEP,

Philippians 1:6

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

I am off to do a good work!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A day in the life of me....

Hey. It is me, the mysterious girl that comes in here every so often and writes. WOOHOO. I am here again. I am excited that we have started school. This is our 2nd full week and we did a few days the week before. I have a real schedule to go by. Things are going smoother with that. My boys turned 15 and 16 yesterday. That is a good thing. I am proud of them. They are going to be awesome men. We got them cell phones for their birthday. I am reading Proverbs and being really convicted of many things. I had a dream a week or so ago about modesty. I am happy to know that God is still using me. I'm excited to be going to church tonight. We will be discussing body piercings. EWWWW YUCK!

This is something that I shared as a note on Facebook this morning. Thought I would share it here too.

I have had many things going on around me lately. Some awesome and some were downright disturbing! I often wonder what people are thinking. I wonder if people wake up thinking how can I hurt that person today. I am trying to learn to be slower in forming opinions and stating thoughts. My initial thoughts are usually rash or harsh. I usually haven't heard the 3 sides to the story (each person involved and the truth). I believe we all leave a few things out to make ourselves look better when relating a story. I am trying to think, how would Jesus handle this situation. We went through the WWJD phase of christianity. I don't think it needs to be a phase. We are going to have to learn to love our neighbors. I have people in my life that are easy to love and others that I truly have to get grace from God to just be around. That leads me to wonder, who is needing grace to be around me. How can I do better? I have been reading Proverbs every night. It is a tough little book. It is very convicting. I am praying for myself this morning and others. I want to love better and be able to be loved better.

Thank you Lord for shaping me and pruning me. It hurts and feels like a blessing all at the same time.