Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A day in the life of me....

Hey. It is me, the mysterious girl that comes in here every so often and writes. WOOHOO. I am here again. I am excited that we have started school. This is our 2nd full week and we did a few days the week before. I have a real schedule to go by. Things are going smoother with that. My boys turned 15 and 16 yesterday. That is a good thing. I am proud of them. They are going to be awesome men. We got them cell phones for their birthday. I am reading Proverbs and being really convicted of many things. I had a dream a week or so ago about modesty. I am happy to know that God is still using me. I'm excited to be going to church tonight. We will be discussing body piercings. EWWWW YUCK!

This is something that I shared as a note on Facebook this morning. Thought I would share it here too.

I have had many things going on around me lately. Some awesome and some were downright disturbing! I often wonder what people are thinking. I wonder if people wake up thinking how can I hurt that person today. I am trying to learn to be slower in forming opinions and stating thoughts. My initial thoughts are usually rash or harsh. I usually haven't heard the 3 sides to the story (each person involved and the truth). I believe we all leave a few things out to make ourselves look better when relating a story. I am trying to think, how would Jesus handle this situation. We went through the WWJD phase of christianity. I don't think it needs to be a phase. We are going to have to learn to love our neighbors. I have people in my life that are easy to love and others that I truly have to get grace from God to just be around. That leads me to wonder, who is needing grace to be around me. How can I do better? I have been reading Proverbs every night. It is a tough little book. It is very convicting. I am praying for myself this morning and others. I want to love better and be able to be loved better.

Thank you Lord for shaping me and pruning me. It hurts and feels like a blessing all at the same time.

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