Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lazy Morning

This is my lazy day. I am still in bed and I am so happy about it. I have plans for the day but not yet. LOL  I had to wake people up at 5:45 and then I went back to sleep. It is 9:50 right now. I have to take Matthew to Praise Team practice at 12:30. I have some ebay stuff to do and supper to fix. Overall, a lazy day.

I did do my thankful post on Facebook today. Bob is laying here keeping me company. I am truly blessed. We heard a sermon about storms. You are looking at a storm, going through a storm or have just went through a storm. It spoke a lot to me. I have been in a storm for quite a while now. I am trying to tell the storm how big my God is. I am learning a lot. It hasn't been the least bit of fun at all. I know that it is in these times that God does a mighty work and we learn a lot if we just open up and let Him teach us. I am trying to be that open learning vessel. Even in the storm, I am blessed.

My dad was better yesterday. He talked plainly to me. I actually told him that I had a lot of people praying for him. He  didn't get mad or fuss. I was a happy girl.

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