Thursday, September 1, 2011

Downright excited today

This isn't going to be a pour your heart out and see where Christy has problems post. Today's post is an I AM SO EXCITED post!!!

I am having a jewelry party tonight at my house. This is the first time that I have just been able to invite people over for fun. My house isn't perfect but we waited a long time for this house. We have worked so hard on it. It isn't done yet but I can't wait to have fun and laughter in it from my friends. There is just something about a group of girls getting together and having a good time. I don't get that often. SO, YES!!!, I am excited. Did I mention that I am so excited????

I have to get off here and get to cleaning. I have a few high points to hit and then I want to finish putting out my fall decor. OHHHHHH, I sound so like I have it together. LOL I just picked up so gourds and pumpkins to put out and I have a few other things. I love this time of the year. I like "fall" stuff. I have one friend that will be here early. She is my buddy. We can almost finish each others sentences. We can pick out clothes for each other. If I hate it, she loves it. If she hates it, it's for me. LOL I am excited that she will be here for a bit. I know we will spread laughter throughout before the others even get here, so they will have to follow suit. LOL

Well, I got up early. I made the coffee and took Bob out. So, I am about ready to get some stuff done. I am going to have a blessed happy day, I hope you do too!!!