Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Getting Real

Hey. It's been a while. I really should blog. It would have to help me too. I have had a lot going on lately. It is amazing how life will just blow up sometimes. I don't understand.
I know that I am responsible for my own actions. That is something that I can do something about. I am happy to say that I am not "sick" anymore and I can think straight and make choices. Sickness can be a real drag on the family. It has been horrible. We have made the decision to place our youngest child in public school. We still don't know about the oldest yet. He hurt his leg a week ago and is still healing. I feel like I'm being forced to make choices that aren't really what I want yet, are needed. It is hard and hurtful.
Life here is changing a lot. Family takes a lot of work, giving and more giving.
The biggest thing that I know is that God is still God and He is here with me. I am depending on Him to lead me. It helps to know that Daddy God never leaves me.