This is my lazy day. I am still in bed and I am so happy about it. I have plans for the day but not yet. LOL I had to wake people up at 5:45 and then I went back to sleep. It is 9:50 right now. I have to take Matthew to Praise Team practice at 12:30. I have some ebay stuff to do and supper to fix. Overall, a lazy day.
I did do my thankful post on Facebook today. Bob is laying here keeping me company. I am truly blessed. We heard a sermon about storms. You are looking at a storm, going through a storm or have just went through a storm. It spoke a lot to me. I have been in a storm for quite a while now. I am trying to tell the storm how big my God is. I am learning a lot. It hasn't been the least bit of fun at all. I know that it is in these times that God does a mighty work and we learn a lot if we just open up and let Him teach us. I am trying to be that open learning vessel. Even in the storm, I am blessed.
My dad was better yesterday. He talked plainly to me. I actually told him that I had a lot of people praying for him. He didn't get mad or fuss. I was a happy girl.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Doing something nice for your family everyday of November.
Someone on facebook challenged me yesterday to use the thankful month of November to not only be thankful but to do something nice each day for your family. I had a special day yesterday. I went to visit my dad. He is not a christian and has no interest. So, yesterday when I went down to see him, he was sedated and tied in the bed. I spent time praying over him and his room. I know that my God is able to break the barriers. That helped me to know that I'm doing the best I can for him. It has been a long crazy road all my life. I just know that this is the dad that God gave me and I love him. I enjoyed spending time with him on Sunday when he was thinking so clearly and talking so good. I am going to keep praying and I have some good friends that are praying too.
I guess it's time to get up and get going. I am planning on doing some ebay today. I will be able to pray all day and there is plenty to pray for.
I guess it's time to get up and get going. I am planning on doing some ebay today. I will be able to pray all day and there is plenty to pray for.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Where am I?
Where am I?
I'm not sure right now. It is so, not easy, to do the right thing all the time. I don't know about all of you but my flesh wants to get in there some days and tear it up. Today, IS one of those days. Note: I made the verb capital because my flesh is wanting to take action. I really don't understand how in one second, you can be so angry and irritated.
I know the right things to do. Think on things that are true (Phil 4:8-9) and know that I can choose (Phil 4:13) to do the right thing.
I am taking Matt to take his test to enter school today. I'm not really sure how I feel about it. I have a lot of emotions going on and no one seems to care. Patrick finally got up this morning for school. He can't find his agenda, so I got blamed for that. My dad is still in ICU in Cookeville and that breaks my heart. There are a lot of things going on here. My brain hurts when I think of it all.
I am happy to know that I have a DADDY God that is here and will walk with me or carry me through. Thank you Lord for being ALL I really need.
I'm not sure right now. It is so, not easy, to do the right thing all the time. I don't know about all of you but my flesh wants to get in there some days and tear it up. Today, IS one of those days. Note: I made the verb capital because my flesh is wanting to take action. I really don't understand how in one second, you can be so angry and irritated.
I know the right things to do. Think on things that are true (Phil 4:8-9) and know that I can choose (Phil 4:13) to do the right thing.
I am taking Matt to take his test to enter school today. I'm not really sure how I feel about it. I have a lot of emotions going on and no one seems to care. Patrick finally got up this morning for school. He can't find his agenda, so I got blamed for that. My dad is still in ICU in Cookeville and that breaks my heart. There are a lot of things going on here. My brain hurts when I think of it all.
I am happy to know that I have a DADDY God that is here and will walk with me or carry me through. Thank you Lord for being ALL I really need.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Getting Real
Hey. It's been a while. I really should blog. It would have to help me too. I have had a lot going on lately. It is amazing how life will just blow up sometimes. I don't understand.
I know that I am responsible for my own actions. That is something that I can do something about. I am happy to say that I am not "sick" anymore and I can think straight and make choices. Sickness can be a real drag on the family. It has been horrible. We have made the decision to place our youngest child in public school. We still don't know about the oldest yet. He hurt his leg a week ago and is still healing. I feel like I'm being forced to make choices that aren't really what I want yet, are needed. It is hard and hurtful.
Life here is changing a lot. Family takes a lot of work, giving and more giving.
The biggest thing that I know is that God is still God and He is here with me. I am depending on Him to lead me. It helps to know that Daddy God never leaves me.
I know that I am responsible for my own actions. That is something that I can do something about. I am happy to say that I am not "sick" anymore and I can think straight and make choices. Sickness can be a real drag on the family. It has been horrible. We have made the decision to place our youngest child in public school. We still don't know about the oldest yet. He hurt his leg a week ago and is still healing. I feel like I'm being forced to make choices that aren't really what I want yet, are needed. It is hard and hurtful.
Life here is changing a lot. Family takes a lot of work, giving and more giving.
The biggest thing that I know is that God is still God and He is here with me. I am depending on Him to lead me. It helps to know that Daddy God never leaves me.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Downright excited today
This isn't going to be a pour your heart out and see where Christy has problems post. Today's post is an I AM SO EXCITED post!!!
I am having a jewelry party tonight at my house. This is the first time that I have just been able to invite people over for fun. My house isn't perfect but we waited a long time for this house. We have worked so hard on it. It isn't done yet but I can't wait to have fun and laughter in it from my friends. There is just something about a group of girls getting together and having a good time. I don't get that often. SO, YES!!!, I am excited. Did I mention that I am so excited????
I have to get off here and get to cleaning. I have a few high points to hit and then I want to finish putting out my fall decor. OHHHHHH, I sound so like I have it together. LOL I just picked up so gourds and pumpkins to put out and I have a few other things. I love this time of the year. I like "fall" stuff. I have one friend that will be here early. She is my buddy. We can almost finish each others sentences. We can pick out clothes for each other. If I hate it, she loves it. If she hates it, it's for me. LOL I am excited that she will be here for a bit. I know we will spread laughter throughout before the others even get here, so they will have to follow suit. LOL
Well, I got up early. I made the coffee and took Bob out. So, I am about ready to get some stuff done. I am going to have a blessed happy day, I hope you do too!!!
I am having a jewelry party tonight at my house. This is the first time that I have just been able to invite people over for fun. My house isn't perfect but we waited a long time for this house. We have worked so hard on it. It isn't done yet but I can't wait to have fun and laughter in it from my friends. There is just something about a group of girls getting together and having a good time. I don't get that often. SO, YES!!!, I am excited. Did I mention that I am so excited????
I have to get off here and get to cleaning. I have a few high points to hit and then I want to finish putting out my fall decor. OHHHHHH, I sound so like I have it together. LOL I just picked up so gourds and pumpkins to put out and I have a few other things. I love this time of the year. I like "fall" stuff. I have one friend that will be here early. She is my buddy. We can almost finish each others sentences. We can pick out clothes for each other. If I hate it, she loves it. If she hates it, it's for me. LOL I am excited that she will be here for a bit. I know we will spread laughter throughout before the others even get here, so they will have to follow suit. LOL
Well, I got up early. I made the coffee and took Bob out. So, I am about ready to get some stuff done. I am going to have a blessed happy day, I hope you do too!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Things on my mind...
So, I get a call this morning. People never cease to amaze me even when I know what their tendancies are. My first inkling is to just get downright aggravated! I mean, HELLO!!!! Now, I am thinking that this is a person that when confronted, is in denial and has no intention of hearing anyone or changing at all. I need to just pray for this person and let God be God!
It also leads me to think about where I am hindering God. OUCH!!!! Yep, I said it. As much as I want to be like Jesus and do what is right, I know that I am standing in the way in certain areas.
I was talking to my son the other day about planks and trees in each others eyes. I sometimes feel like I have the whole tree in there somewhere but I am too self justified or ignorant to see it. I have tried to surround myself with people that truly care about my soul as well as my humanity. I hope that I can depend on those people to talk to me when I am exhibiting those "BIG" tree kinda faults. It so hurts me to see others struggling. I know that God cares and is right there. I don't have favor with certain people and I can't be the Holy Spirit. I just need to pray, let go and let God.
On a brighter note. It is totally amazing here in KY today. We have a crazy busy week and something to do everyday. I thank God for bringing me back to life! I love being with my boys. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I thank God for keeping Paul safe as he drove @600 miles last night. He is doing a great job of providing for our family. I am proud of him.
Well, school is in session, the teacher better get to doing something too. hehehe
It also leads me to think about where I am hindering God. OUCH!!!! Yep, I said it. As much as I want to be like Jesus and do what is right, I know that I am standing in the way in certain areas.
I was talking to my son the other day about planks and trees in each others eyes. I sometimes feel like I have the whole tree in there somewhere but I am too self justified or ignorant to see it. I have tried to surround myself with people that truly care about my soul as well as my humanity. I hope that I can depend on those people to talk to me when I am exhibiting those "BIG" tree kinda faults. It so hurts me to see others struggling. I know that God cares and is right there. I don't have favor with certain people and I can't be the Holy Spirit. I just need to pray, let go and let God.
On a brighter note. It is totally amazing here in KY today. We have a crazy busy week and something to do everyday. I thank God for bringing me back to life! I love being with my boys. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I thank God for keeping Paul safe as he drove @600 miles last night. He is doing a great job of providing for our family. I am proud of him.
Well, school is in session, the teacher better get to doing something too. hehehe
Friday, August 26, 2011
I am doing a good work
Some days just get mundane! I feel so useless sometimes like nothing I do matters. These feelings don't usually last very long here but I do have them.
SO, my question today is, "What is a good work?"
If I became President of the US or the "ONE" that finds the cure for cancer, did I do a good work. Why do our human eyes see things in such an odd perspective. Do I have to win a Nobel Peace Prize or "make it" on tv to have done a great work? I think not.
I, Christy Sharp, stay at home wife, homemaker, mom, homeschool teacher, comode cleaner, dish washer, clothes washer, floor sweeper, Bob petter, food cooker, bill payer, errand runner, computer player and God lover am doing a good work.
I dare say, that everyone that reads this is doing a good work too. Everyone is important. God just reminded me of that today. I wasn't struggling with it or anything. He just said, "Hey, Christy, my daughter, I love you and you are doing a good work." Thank you DADDY GOD! I sometimes forget that I do everything for the Lord.
One other part of this that God spoke to me years ago is about doing "good." In today's society, we tend to use bigger adjectives ~ awesome, wonderful, great, terrific ~ those are a few. When God made the earth and all that was in it, at the end of each day, he said it was good. So, my mind thinks that good is good enough. If the creator of the universe can make something out of nothing and it be good, then good is good enough for me. My good work may be different than someone elses good work. We all have to work good together to make life happen.
Also, my good work matters. It will make a difference and be completed. I may not be the one that does something that the world will see on tv. I may do my good work right here in my little piece of the world. It still matters and is still important! Daddy God chose me to do this work. Do I have proof? YEP,
Philippians 1:6
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
I am off to do a good work!
SO, my question today is, "What is a good work?"
If I became President of the US or the "ONE" that finds the cure for cancer, did I do a good work. Why do our human eyes see things in such an odd perspective. Do I have to win a Nobel Peace Prize or "make it" on tv to have done a great work? I think not.
I, Christy Sharp, stay at home wife, homemaker, mom, homeschool teacher, comode cleaner, dish washer, clothes washer, floor sweeper, Bob petter, food cooker, bill payer, errand runner, computer player and God lover am doing a good work.
I dare say, that everyone that reads this is doing a good work too. Everyone is important. God just reminded me of that today. I wasn't struggling with it or anything. He just said, "Hey, Christy, my daughter, I love you and you are doing a good work." Thank you DADDY GOD! I sometimes forget that I do everything for the Lord.
One other part of this that God spoke to me years ago is about doing "good." In today's society, we tend to use bigger adjectives ~ awesome, wonderful, great, terrific ~ those are a few. When God made the earth and all that was in it, at the end of each day, he said it was good. So, my mind thinks that good is good enough. If the creator of the universe can make something out of nothing and it be good, then good is good enough for me. My good work may be different than someone elses good work. We all have to work good together to make life happen.
Also, my good work matters. It will make a difference and be completed. I may not be the one that does something that the world will see on tv. I may do my good work right here in my little piece of the world. It still matters and is still important! Daddy God chose me to do this work. Do I have proof? YEP,
Philippians 1:6
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
I am off to do a good work!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A day in the life of me....
Hey. It is me, the mysterious girl that comes in here every so often and writes. WOOHOO. I am here again. I am excited that we have started school. This is our 2nd full week and we did a few days the week before. I have a real schedule to go by. Things are going smoother with that. My boys turned 15 and 16 yesterday. That is a good thing. I am proud of them. They are going to be awesome men. We got them cell phones for their birthday. I am reading Proverbs and being really convicted of many things. I had a dream a week or so ago about modesty. I am happy to know that God is still using me. I'm excited to be going to church tonight. We will be discussing body piercings. EWWWW YUCK!
This is something that I shared as a note on Facebook this morning. Thought I would share it here too.
I have had many things going on around me lately. Some awesome and some were downright disturbing! I often wonder what people are thinking. I wonder if people wake up thinking how can I hurt that person today. I am trying to learn to be slower in forming opinions and stating thoughts. My initial thoughts are usually rash or harsh. I usually haven't heard the 3 sides to the story (each person involved and the truth). I believe we all leave a few things out to make ourselves look better when relating a story. I am trying to think, how would Jesus handle this situation. We went through the WWJD phase of christianity. I don't think it needs to be a phase. We are going to have to learn to love our neighbors. I have people in my life that are easy to love and others that I truly have to get grace from God to just be around. That leads me to wonder, who is needing grace to be around me. How can I do better? I have been reading Proverbs every night. It is a tough little book. It is very convicting. I am praying for myself this morning and others. I want to love better and be able to be loved better.
Thank you Lord for shaping me and pruning me. It hurts and feels like a blessing all at the same time.
This is something that I shared as a note on Facebook this morning. Thought I would share it here too.
I have had many things going on around me lately. Some awesome and some were downright disturbing! I often wonder what people are thinking. I wonder if people wake up thinking how can I hurt that person today. I am trying to learn to be slower in forming opinions and stating thoughts. My initial thoughts are usually rash or harsh. I usually haven't heard the 3 sides to the story (each person involved and the truth). I believe we all leave a few things out to make ourselves look better when relating a story. I am trying to think, how would Jesus handle this situation. We went through the WWJD phase of christianity. I don't think it needs to be a phase. We are going to have to learn to love our neighbors. I have people in my life that are easy to love and others that I truly have to get grace from God to just be around. That leads me to wonder, who is needing grace to be around me. How can I do better? I have been reading Proverbs every night. It is a tough little book. It is very convicting. I am praying for myself this morning and others. I want to love better and be able to be loved better.
Thank you Lord for shaping me and pruning me. It hurts and feels like a blessing all at the same time.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What a week!
I sat here last Tuesday and wrote a post. On Wednesday morning, I went to see the doctor for my 2 week check up. I then went to the pharmacy and the grocery store. I talked on the phone on the way home and came in thinking things were ok. Bob and I ate some chicken strips and were sitting here when it all turned upside down. I started having pain in my upper left shoulder and then it would hurt down in my chest bone. It was a lot like a bad cold. The back of my neck hurt too. It went on for a bit. I called my mother in law and said if it doesn't get better, we may have to go to the hospital. About 15 minutes later, we were on our way. We got there and it finally calmed down. They were going to do one more CT scan and probably let me come home when my blood pressure dropped and I passed out as I flopped in the wheel chair. They ended up keeping me over night. The next morning, my doctor came in and told me that the blood work showed a heart attack. How crazy is that. So, he went and made calls. They transferred me to TJ Sampson in Glasgow, KY. I went straight to ICU. They did an ultrasound and could see some issues. I was set up for the heart cath the next day. They took me in for the heart cath and found an artery with 99% blockage. They went ahead and inserted two stents at that time. That was my Wednesday thru Friday. WOW! I got out of the hospital on Monday. It is Tuesday and I'm home. I am absolutely blown away and shocked. I can't imagine having a heart attack. I can't imagine having someone inside my heart. It was hard enough to think of someone being in my stomach. I just don't know what to think of it all. It was fast and overwhelming. I had EXCELLENT care. My little Burkesville hospital is always amazing. They spoil me with great care. I feel blessed to have them. TJ Sampson was awesome. They took me in scared and crying. I left feeling like life can be good again. Now, with all that said, the real story is........
God is the MAN! God was with me the entire time. He took care of me, my husband, my boys, my Bob, my other family members and friends. They were all there for me. I had such an awesome group of prayer warriors, EVERYWHERE!!!
People could look at this in many lights. I choose to see it as a blessing. I know things are going to get better. I don't know how long I have here. I might be here for 2 days, 5 years or 20 or more. I want to make it good. I know who I am in God! That is the most important thing. I know that God is keeping me here for a reason. I just want to listen and do what He wants.
God is the MAN! God was with me the entire time. He took care of me, my husband, my boys, my Bob, my other family members and friends. They were all there for me. I had such an awesome group of prayer warriors, EVERYWHERE!!!
People could look at this in many lights. I choose to see it as a blessing. I know things are going to get better. I don't know how long I have here. I might be here for 2 days, 5 years or 20 or more. I want to make it good. I know who I am in God! That is the most important thing. I know that God is keeping me here for a reason. I just want to listen and do what He wants.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Lonely and happy
My boys are gone for the week to camp. I took them yesterday morning at 8:30. It is amazing how quiet the house can become. I didn't sleep a lot last night. I woke up yucky this morning. I am hoping tonight goes better. We have had a lot of crazy days lately. I try not to write a lot when I am down. I remember Maxwell saying you are either an adder or a subtractor. I don't want to subtract from anyone. I always want to add to the lives of others. So, I make the choice to stay possitive and know that this too shall pass. God is good. He has never let me down and NEVER will. I know He has it under control. I am going to do my part and let Him do the rest.
Bob is helping me a lot. He teaches me so much. It is amazing to see the unconditional love that he gives. He loves me if I am pretty, if I am ugly, if I smell good or if I smell bad. I really need to be more like that. Of course, that is a great example of our Heavenly Father. I know that God sent Bob to teach me lessons. Thank you Lord.
I have been home all day alone. It has felt lonely at times. I thank God for the opportunity for my boys. I am praying that God will blow them away with His awesome Spirit and make changes in them that will be for life. I still can't believe that God sent them to us. I feel so blessed.
Better go and see what I can get in to.
Bob is helping me a lot. He teaches me so much. It is amazing to see the unconditional love that he gives. He loves me if I am pretty, if I am ugly, if I smell good or if I smell bad. I really need to be more like that. Of course, that is a great example of our Heavenly Father. I know that God sent Bob to teach me lessons. Thank you Lord.
I have been home all day alone. It has felt lonely at times. I thank God for the opportunity for my boys. I am praying that God will blow them away with His awesome Spirit and make changes in them that will be for life. I still can't believe that God sent them to us. I feel so blessed.
Better go and see what I can get in to.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
WOOHOO, it's Saturday. LOL It is rainy and a sleepy kinda day. I am up. I ate breakfast and that's it. LOL I don't even really know what today is going to hold. We don't really have any plans. We are going to wing it. I may do some ebay. Looks like the weather is going to be wet, so riding the motorcyle is out. My boys are still snoozing.
I am excited about church tomorrow. After service, our Relay for Life Team is meeting to get things moving. I can't say enough about this one. I got help from the Am. Cancer Society. I have to love this cause. I am accepting any and all donations! We will probably have a silent auction at some point, so if you have a business and want to donate, let me know that too. I am alive because of people working together to care. No one has to be put out. We all give a little to help a lot! Neighbors!
Bob is even still snoozing. Paul went back in and laid down. It is quiet here. I can hear me breathe. Wow, that doesn't happen often. I guess, I will go watch a movie. I hope everyone has a best blessed wet day! No telling what will happen around here. HUGS!
I am excited about church tomorrow. After service, our Relay for Life Team is meeting to get things moving. I can't say enough about this one. I got help from the Am. Cancer Society. I have to love this cause. I am accepting any and all donations! We will probably have a silent auction at some point, so if you have a business and want to donate, let me know that too. I am alive because of people working together to care. No one has to be put out. We all give a little to help a lot! Neighbors!
Bob is even still snoozing. Paul went back in and laid down. It is quiet here. I can hear me breathe. Wow, that doesn't happen often. I guess, I will go watch a movie. I hope everyone has a best blessed wet day! No telling what will happen around here. HUGS!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The sun is out ..... TODAY!!!
I didn't complain about the rain! I am going to say that it is great to see the sun today.
We had an awesome night at the Daniel study last night. I am amazed at just how living the living Word of God is. It may be years later and it is still speaking volumes! God is amazing! I was also blessed with homemade cookies last night. YUMMMM!!!
Today is a pretty normal day here at Sharp central. Paul is going for a job interview today. The boys are doing school. I am going to get our bills together so we can pay them. Life is good.
Bob is hanging out with me. He sure does keep me company.
We had an awesome night at the Daniel study last night. I am amazed at just how living the living Word of God is. It may be years later and it is still speaking volumes! God is amazing! I was also blessed with homemade cookies last night. YUMMMM!!!
Today is a pretty normal day here at Sharp central. Paul is going for a job interview today. The boys are doing school. I am going to get our bills together so we can pay them. Life is good.
Bob is hanging out with me. He sure does keep me company.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Getting better
I am getting better. I am learning about God. I am hearing things that are pointing closer to God. I was in the hospital again 2 weeks ago. I went in on Monday and got out on Friday. Thank God for Dr K. I am going next Monday for another scope to see what is going on in this belly of mine. I was getting very sick and couldn't eat at all. I am eating now and keeping it all down for the most part. I feel like things are better.
We have become members at Living Word Ministries. I am so excited. I feel like I am home. I am so blessed. We are learning a lot. We have been doing a study on Revelation at the Pastor's home. Tonight, we start with Daniel. That makes me think of the joke about my shack, your shack and a billy goat. I sure hope God has a sense of humor. I can't imagine him not.
Bob is still taking care of me. He is still cute and I love him bunches. Paul messed with us all last week. He left to find out about a job and come home with NO hair. I mean NO hair. He had his head shaved, his beard cut off and the moustache too. WOW!!! That is only the 2nd time I have ever seen him without a hairy face. He even stopped church service when he got noticed. I was cracked up. Who says life isn't fun. Matt and Pat are doing good. They are chugging along in school. I am proud of my boys. They have been through a lot in the last year.
Guess I better get ready. We will be leaving soon. Thanks for reading. Leave me a comment if you stop by.
We have become members at Living Word Ministries. I am so excited. I feel like I am home. I am so blessed. We are learning a lot. We have been doing a study on Revelation at the Pastor's home. Tonight, we start with Daniel. That makes me think of the joke about my shack, your shack and a billy goat. I sure hope God has a sense of humor. I can't imagine him not.
Bob is still taking care of me. He is still cute and I love him bunches. Paul messed with us all last week. He left to find out about a job and come home with NO hair. I mean NO hair. He had his head shaved, his beard cut off and the moustache too. WOW!!! That is only the 2nd time I have ever seen him without a hairy face. He even stopped church service when he got noticed. I was cracked up. Who says life isn't fun. Matt and Pat are doing good. They are chugging along in school. I am proud of my boys. They have been through a lot in the last year.
Guess I better get ready. We will be leaving soon. Thanks for reading. Leave me a comment if you stop by.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Guess it is time
I guess that today will be the take down and put up day. I am leaving some winter decor out. I like this day and I don't like this day. It always seems cleaner afterward but it just seems like Christmas is here and gone so fast. I am ready for a new chapter or a new season. So, today it is. Officially, it is take down day. Now to just DO IT!
We have school today before take down starts. School is going well. I have also finally come up with a chore chart. I hope this one works. I will have to report back on it.
Paul is looking for a job. That will change things again. Our year should be exciting for sure. You just never know what is going to happen around here.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!
We have school today before take down starts. School is going well. I have also finally come up with a chore chart. I hope this one works. I will have to report back on it.
Paul is looking for a job. That will change things again. Our year should be exciting for sure. You just never know what is going to happen around here.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
WOW, what a day!!!
I woke up this morning thinking that I would get to church. I was still too sick and hubby told me to stay home and rest. I got a lot of rest and then it hit. I have been so guilty of try to be the HOLY SPIRIT. I can't be what I am not. I have seen others try to push things on people so much. I too have had that to happen. It just shuts us down and causes us to push further away. I guess I have never dealt with either situation right. I want to be right. I like to be right. Sometimes, however, I just AIN'T right. I go crazy when someone is trying to pound me with something. It just shuts me down and causes me to push further away. I have been through quite a bit. I have learned quite a bit. I have a lot more to learn. Apparently, God is not thru with me yet.
My prayer for the New Year. To be more like my JESUS!
OK, now that I got that off my chest. WHEW!!!
We are just hanging out tonight. Tomorrow, we are going to have a family meeting and re-evaluate what we are doing in school and in other areas of life. We start a Bible study on Daniel and Revelation tomorrow night. Can't wait to get a new plan and GO FORWARD!!!
My prayer for the New Year. To be more like my JESUS!
OK, now that I got that off my chest. WHEW!!!
We are just hanging out tonight. Tomorrow, we are going to have a family meeting and re-evaluate what we are doing in school and in other areas of life. We start a Bible study on Daniel and Revelation tomorrow night. Can't wait to get a new plan and GO FORWARD!!!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
January 1, 2011

Who new I would get here. After the last year of being sick, I am so happy to be able to celebrate a new year. I would really like to blog again. I am hoping to find something to say. I got to the point where I really didn't have anything nice to say so, I didn't say anything at all. Ever been there?
I don't think today has been the best day that I will have this year. I do know that I will have better ones. Tomorrow is Sunday. That means church. I am so excited about that. We are also starting a Bible study on Monday nights. I think our family will totally benefit from that.
New Year, new goals, NO resolutions! I think I just want to live this year, be content, get out of debt (medical), grow, run a 5k and work on our home a little more. No huge aspirations as far as the world can see but what I do in important. I am important enough that God kept me here. Thank you God!!! Now, I just need to do the work I am here to do. This year could get exciting. I don't know what it holds. I do know that my DADDY GOD has it all under control.
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